John Wooden Center Board of Governors (JWCBG)
The John Wooden Center Board of Governors is a student-majority committee that is involved in decisions regarding the design and use of, as well as policy and operational issues pertaining to, the John Wooden Center as well as other recreational facilities and programs at UCLA. Members are appointed for a two-year term that starts on July 1st (onboarding for new reps starts September 1st). Staff Assembly elects two representatives to serve on this committee, one primary member with voting rights and one back-up member without voting rights. The non-voting member can give input and collaborate in meetings, just not vote. The committee meets monthly, usually virtually (on occasion in person), from late fall through spring (November through early June). Representatives who are UCLA Recreation participants are strongly preferred.
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Student Conduct Committee (SCC)
The Student Conduct Committee plays a crucial role in the campus student conduct process. This committee hears cases involving alleged student misconduct that the Office of Student Conduct has not been able to resolve with the accused student. Committee membership includes appointees from all major campus constituencies – staff, faculty, undergraduate and graduate students. Staff representatives are nominated to be considered for the positions before an official appointment letter is issued. The minimum service is one hearing per quarter. Onboarding for new members is facilitated by the Office of Student Conduct. There is a required, yearly virtual refresher session for all members. Hearings are scheduled a quarter in advance and members are sent calendar dates to hold based on their submitted availability. All hearings are conducted virtually. Cases are typically heard by three-person committee panels selected from among the full roster of members. Panel members do not determine sanctions for students found responsible for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
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UCLA Committee on Disability
The UCLA Committee on Disability (UCOD) was officially established in 1983 as an advisory group by the chancellor. UCOD is comprised of students, faculty, staff, alumni, members of the UCLA community, and ex-officio members. The committee’s charge is to analyze and identify problems, propose solutions, and make recommendations on matters of particular concern to persons with disabilities. The UCLA Staff Assembly elects two representatives to serve a two-year term on this committee (elections are staggered so that one member is elected each year). The term starts on July 1st. The committee meets on Zoom every second Tuesday of the month for 90 minutes. Staff representatives may just attend meetings or be involved in subcommittees. Representatives may also run for leadership appointments for projects. Current projects include work on accommodating physical spaces, UCOD’s newsletter, and a training for faculty. The committee also works with the occupational health department (e.g., regarding staff who do not have a disability now, but may in the future; invisible disabilities; temporary disabilities).
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UCLA Committee on LGBTQ Affairs
Initially established in the early 1980s as the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBT Issues, the LGBTQ Affairs Committee aims to create and maintain a more inclusive and accepting campus environment for individuals in the LGBTQ community. The Committee on LGBTQ Affairs is supported by the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The UCLA Staff Assembly elects three representatives to serve a two-year term on this committee. The committee work starts on October 1st. The committee meets for 60 minutes on Zoom every first Wednesday of the month at 2 pm.
Among its specific responsibilities, the committee is charged with the following:
- Referring issues and incidences of concern raised by the campus, community, and the board.
- Advising and making recommendations on the implementation of the various campus diversity plans and programs.
- Working in conjunction with the appropriate academic, medical or staff compliance committees as a resource for development and review of policies and practices that support the LGBTQ community.
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UCLA Sustainability Committee
The mission of the UCLA Sustainability Committee is to create a culture of sustainability at UCLA in which the entire UCLA community is aware of, engaged in, and committed to advancing sustainability through education, research, operations, and community service activities. Staff representatives are appointed for a two-year term that starts on July 1st. The committee meets every other month over Zoom. Meetings last 90 minutes.
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